12 July 2020

Human development and Human Development index

Human development:-Human Development is related with economic as well as non economic factors like living a long life education knowledge and standard of living.
Human Development index:-Human Development index is a statistical tool used to measure a country's overall achievement in its social and economic dimension. The social and economic dimension of a country are based on the health of people their level of education attainment and there is standard of living.
Every year undp ranks country based on the HDI report released in their annual report HDI is one of the best tools to keep track of the the level of development of a country.
Importance of HDI:-
1)HDI is used to measure level of development of a country.
2)It has been published by undp and according to the countries rank.
3)It is a comprehensive approach which cover all the major aspects of life.
4)Apart from income education and health status and life expectancy.

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