What was biodiversity?
What is ecosystem?
Write the full from of UNEP?
Write the role of biodiversity?
What is mega bio diversity?
Write the process of measurement of bio diversity?
Discuss the marine bio diversity?
What is in site conservation?
According to UNESCO how many bio reserve are in India? 18
Who used the term biodiversity? (walter rosen)
What do you mean by ecosphere?
What is reddata book?
Who used the term mega biodiversity?
Write the example of mega biodiversity?
What is in situ conservation?
What is exsitu conservation?
What is core zone?
What is buffer zone?
What is transitional zone?
How many wildlife sanctuaries in india?442
What is gene bank?
What do you mean by hot spot?
When earth summit was happend?1992
What is green data book?
When world environment day was celebrated?
What are natural Hazards?
What do you mean by disaster?
Write the example natural disaster?
Write demerit of volcanic eruption?
Write the impact of earthquake?
What the disaster management from earthquake?
What is tsunami?
The term tsunami is taken
from which word?
What is flood?
What is cloud brust?
What id flash flood?
When drought research unit was established?1987
What is trikaal?
What is land sliding?
Write the example of forest fire?
What is forest fire?